
Manage Vendors like a pro!

With an automated Supplier Management System on BPortaly


Automate Vendor experiences and run purchase processes on autopilot!

Supplier/Vendor Portal is a modern vendor management solution that connects your business with suppliers. The vendor software helps improve efficiency of your purchase cycle by seamlessly running purchase workflows, shortening payment process, and tracking inventory status.. It integrates data like vendor invoices, quotes and orders real-time from your ERP!
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How it Works

BPortaly - Key Capabilities

Key Capabilities

Centralized Data View

Centralized Data View

Get a comprehensive insight into vendor details, purchase documents and stock details.
Enhanced Sales Efficiency

Purchase Efficiency

Ensure higher purchase efficiency by mapping the purchase history, tracking inventory status, and dynamic reporting.
Real-time Quote Generation

Real-time Quote Generation

Achieve higher operational accuracy with automated purchase quote generation and purchase order status.
Company Management

Multi-Company Management

Seamlessly add more than one company and manage them separately in different environments.
Customized Login Access

Customized Login Access

Enable unique user access and ensure customized login access for admin and executives.

Efficient Tracking

The portal helps track vendors and processes like lead time and delivery
Get a deeper insight.


Simplify Vendor Management. Integrate with your ERP today!

Our Solutions

BPortaly - Sage300-Vendor-Portal

Questions? Look here.

BPortaly - Customer Portal faq

Yes, Vendor Portal can be integrated with your business application, or used as a standalone solution. As a self-service portal, this online vendor software can aid both your employees and Vendors with accurate purchase data.

Yes, this Vendor management system can be integrated with your existing business solution or ERPs like Sage Intacct, Sage X3, Sage 300, Sage 100, Acumatica etc.

This efficient solution is available in the best prices to suit your business needs. Our pricing module is based on number of licenses and usage.

Seamless Vendor Management.
Better Purchase Process.
Superior Experience.

Sign up now and get started.

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